
Building a foundation that inspires future generations to follow Jesus

Imagine is a 5-week church vision and generosity series inspired by Ephesians 3:20-21, designed to unify our congregation and guide us into the future that God has prepared for us.

  • *Under Campus: Select “Eastvale Campus.”
  • *Under Fund: Select “Eastvale General.”

Our Prayer:

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. – Ephesians 3:20-21

What Imagine is about

Our Goals

1. By the end of Imagine, we hope every individual will prayerfully consider contributing to the vision of Friends Church Eastvale, with the goal of achieving financial independence by the end of July 2025.
2. By the end of Imagine, everyone will understand our church’s values and vision and be invited to partner in the work God is doing. Partnership involves praying for the church, engaging in ministry, and contributing financially to its mission 
3. Anything beyond our two primary goals will be directed towards enhancing our campus, with a focus on improving our kids’ and student spaces campus furniture, and updating technology. Our top priority is our kids’ spaces.

Our Story

It all began with a cup of coffee in the summer of 2020.

Did the Lord want a new life giving church in the Inland Empire? Our prayers were confirmed when Pastor Aaron met Ejay Cruz at Eastbrew Cafe.
Aaron felt the Spirit lead him to consider
that maybe, “There are 1,000s more people just like Ejay who are looking for a church.”

Why now? 

We are a growing community where the timeless truth of Christ meets the needs of today's world

As a new church, we have grown to a congregation of 240-280 in weekly attendance.   We believe the Lord is leading us to come together now to step into the next phase as a congregation. There are three reasons why:

Short Term: Primary Goal: Until July 2025

1. Partnership: When the Apostle Paul wrote to the Philippians and spoke of their “partnership” in the Gospel (Phil. 1:4-5), he truly meant that they were his partners. He was doing his part and they were doing theirs — and together they made a great team that was having an eternal impact. We desire every person who attends Friends Church Eastvale to become a church partner.  Being a partner involves prayer, participation and financial contribution.  But it is much deeper than a checklist.  It involves mutual love, care and friendship.  In a nutshell,  being the church. 

2. Financial independence: As a church we want to be fully financially independent from our sending “mother” church (Friends Church Yorba Linda) by the end of our fiscal year of July 2025. Currently, we depend on Friends Church Yorba Linda for roughly 24% of our budget.  This is fantastic for such a young church! But for us to become financially independent we encourage everyone who calls Friends Church Eastvale their home church to give regularly to the work Jesus is doing here.

Middle Term: Until November 2025

2. Campus Improvements: While our current physical space has accommodated our growth, there are several modest improvements and updates that would help maximize our space. 

Long Term: Ongoing

3. Future Planning:  We are thankful for our current physical space.  However, upon becoming financially independent we will create a savings fund for a future building and permanent space.  

Our Church Health

People who are being discipled as disciple-makers
People under 18 in our church
People engaged in groups
Baptized since attending Friends
People serving
Regular givers


Friends Church Eastvale has given me the opportunity to make a difference in a living and growing family of believers. They have a hunger for more than the world offers. It is a privilege and joy to serve and grow here.
Adult Bible Teacher
We helped launch the church. Friends Church Eastvale has become more than a home church for us. It's become a home church that we are proud of! We can't wait to continue to help grow and pour into it!
Dream Team Member
  • *Under Campus: Select “Eastvale Campus.”
  • *Under Fund: Select “Eastvale General.”